Frequently Asked Questions


  • What is this conference?

This conference is organized by the Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS). It accepts abstracts from all graduate and professional students at Iowa State University. The conference's main goal is to give an opportunity for graduate and professional students to present their work and gain experience communicating that work to an audience (either through talks, posters, exhibitions or lightning talks). 

You have a chance to attend, present posters or oral presentations, attend breakout sessions and listen to our keynote speaker. Poster presentations will occur throughout the day.

  • Is this conference virtual, in-person or a hybrid?

As at now, following university guidelines, the conference is in-person.

  • I don't do "research", is the conference for me?

Yes!  This conference is meant to give all graduate and professional students a space to talk about their work and provide an opportunnity for professional development. Present a proposal, case study, research, or take part in an exhibition.

  • How do I register for the conference?

There is NO registration fee.

  • Who can register for the conference?

Anyone at ISU can register for the conference. Even you. All registrants are welcome to attend presentations, workshops and the talk by the keynote speaker. 

  • Is food provided?

Yes, free breakfast, lunch, and snacks are provided for all presenters, conference registrants, and judges. However, it is not provided to ISU members who do not register for the conference.

  • Can I invite family and friends not affiliated with ISU to the conference?

Sure! All friends, family and public are welcome to attend presentations and the keynote speaker talk.

  • Who is the keynote speaker?


  • Who can submit abstracts to the conference?

Only ISU graduate and professional students can submit abstracts and present posters or presentations at the conference.

  • How do I submit an abstract to the GPSC 2024?

You will need to register using our Qualtrics survey, HERE. 

  • I want to present my work at some other conference and/or I want to submit it to a journal. Can I still submit an abstract to the GPSC?

Yes. Since GPSC would not be publishing any kind of proceedings, you can still submit the abstract to the GPSC and present it later to any professional conference or journal of your choice.

  • I have already presented my work in some other conference and/or I have submitted it to a journal. Can I still submit an abstract to the the Conference?

Yes, you can submit an abstract for the Conference even if you have already presented it elsewhere or submitted to a journal.

  • Can I submit an ongoing research to the Conference?

Yes, it is fine to present an ongoing work. However please make sure that the abstract is properly structured as per the submission guidelines. For instance, it would be expected that the abstract would have few words on conclusion and future work, even if it comprises of an ongoing research.

  • What should I do if I face any problems while submitting an abstract?

If you face any problems in abstract submission, please contact the Conference Chair, or the committee,