Cash prizes to be won!
Cash awards for the winners will be posted on their U-bills.
Must be an ISU Graduate Student to enter competition
Presentation Categories:
- Poster Presentation
Includes those that follow the scientific hypothesis model
- Oral Presentation
Students participating in the oral presentations will be given 5 minutes for their talk.
- Creative Presentation
Includes design projects, storytelling, poetry, and song.
- All graduate and professional students at Iowa State University are welcome to submit abstracts.
- We especially encourage College of Design and LAS MFA students to participate in exhibitions.
Poster Presentation Instructions
- On the conference day, February 23, 2024, the posters will be put by 8:30 am in the designated room (South Ballroom / Great Hall) and pulled down at 2:30 pm.
- If you have any special needs for posters (either traditional or creative component), please reach out to
Poster format
- We encourage you to submit an older poster if you have one!
- If designing a new poster, we suggest the poster not exceed 36 inches x 48 inches.
- We will provide foam boards for the back
Poster evaluation criterion
Judges will evaluate each presentation based on the following :
1. Visual impact (33%): balance of text, figure, and white space, section headings, and consistency in font size and type.
2. Content (33%): As determined by judges
3. Presentation (33%): presentation did not exceed 6 minutes, good responses to question, mastery of the topic.
Creative presentation rubric
Same instructions as Poster Presentation (11 to 2:30pm)
Artistic Content (40%)
How skillfully do they perform the following:
- Content is original and unique to presenter (1-10pt scale)
- Subject and purpose create meaning for viewer (1-10pt scale)
- Audio and/or visual elements compliment the content and subject (1-10pt scale)
- General display of artistry (1-10pt scale)
Presentation (60%)
How skillfully do they perform the following:
- Considers time – 6-8 minutes max AND uses stage, body language, and eye contact effectively (1-20pt scale)
- De(1-20pt scale)
- Displays enthusiasm and mastery of the topic (1-20pt scale)
Open-ended response for comments about scoring (for judges)
Oral Presentation Instructions
- On the conference day, students will be given 5-6 minutes (rapid fire) to make the presentation.
- We recommend a maximum of 5 slides for your presentation (including the introduction slide).
- No questions will be asked after your presentation. This will allow us to accommodate as many students as possible within the time frame.
- If you have any special needs for your talk, please reach out to
Oral presentation evaluation criterion
1. Content (40%): Depending on the entry category (Traditional / creative)
2. Presentation (60%): presentation did not exceed 5 minutes, well use of the stage, eye contact, enthusiasm, and mastery of the topic.
3. Penalty will be placed for going overtime.
People's Choice Award
- Poster: Stickers will be given to help judge the people’s choice poster winner
+ Creative: Stickers will be given to help judge the winner for creative components
- Oral Presentation: Attendees will be given a QR code and a link to participate in the poll. A real time poll with presenters’ names will be projected for the oral presentation’s people’s choice winner.