PAG Frequently Asked Questions
Watch our video for answers to FAQ!
What is this conference? When should I apply?
First, confirm that you and your travel are eligible (Student Eligibility and Travel Eligibility.) Second, now follow the guidelines in the Application section.
Can PAG money be used for professional membership fees?
- I submitted an application, but never received a confirmation email. What happened?
More than likely your application was not successfully received. This often happens due to poor internet connectivity during submission. If you submit and do not receive a confirmation email within an hour, contact that SIO to see if you need to re-submit.
- I made a mistake in my PAG, what should I do?
It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that their information is correct prior to submitting the PAG. However, if you email the SIO immediately changes can be made to the application. Do NOT submit another application.
- How do you decide who gets awarded a PAG?
No preference is given for international or domestic events, external funding assistance, number of PAGs awarded previously, and no departments receive any preference. Priority applications that are completed and submitted on time are automatically awarded unless too many first-time applicants have already been approved for the month, and subsequent applicants may enter into a lottery (with all complete applications receiving equal consideration).
-> We do not 'read' applications, the process runs much more like a ticket system.
- My PAG has been "approved", but how do I get money?
When awarded a PAG, Students NEVER receive funds upfront. Students are reimbursed after the travel has occurred, and now all expenses are handled through the Workday system. If you have questions please contact OR find your department administrative staff to file on your behalf.
Your worktag number will be: PG102496. You will need to put this number in the PROGRAM line on your expense report. If the remainder of the form does not populate, please contact your department staff for your Business Unit, Cost Center, etc. because you cannot file without that information.
- What does "Disbursal of funds will conform to ISU policies", mean?
Good Question! These policies are ever-changing, so let me direct you to the ISU policies outlined in the Graduate College Handbook. Additional questions regarding this can be directed to the Graduate College. And please follow the general Reimbursement guidelines enumerated in the Travel Reimbursement section.
- I received a PAG in the past, am I eligible to apply for another one?
This is a Student Eligibility question. Students are only eligible for one PAG award per fiscal year (July 1 - June 30), but NOT guaranteed to receive one a year. So long as the travel does not occur within the same fiscal year as your PAG award in the past and you meet the other eligibility criteria, then yes, you are eligible.
- I already received a PAG THIS fiscal year and I want to apply for a second PAG, whose travel is NEXT fiscal year. Am i eligible to apply now or do I have to wait until next fiscal year to apply?
So long as the travel does not occur within the same fiscal year as your PAG award in the past and you meet the other eligibility criteria, then yes, you are eligible to apply now and be added to the queue/waitlist.
- I was awarded a PAG, but now I cannot/decided not to attend my conference/workshop. What should I do?
Please IMMEDIATELY cancel your PAG (Travel Cancellation) by emailing the SIO. If you don't cancel, it could impact your eligibility for future awards. Cancelling your award promptly will make the funds available to another eligible student.
- I applied for a PAG and am listed as queued. When will I hear back about my decision?
Returning applicants are processed AFTER the deadline for that month of intended travel. No matter how far in advance you apply, you WILL NOT receive a decision until the month before your conference if you are a returning and eligible applicant.
For example, if you apply in January for a travel date in October, you will receive your decision after September 15th at 5PM.